"As a mature-age student on the lengthy journey to practicing psychologist, I have been impressed by Janine’s professionalism, intelligence, and genuine warmth. It is fantastic to know that when I need advice or feedback I can simply set-up a time with Janine. Having access to Janine as a mentor provides personal continuity across a lengthy training regime that can otherwise be quite disconnected.”

“As a mature-age student on the lengthy journey to practicing psychologist, I have been impressed by Janine’s professionalism, intelligence, and genuine warmth. My first experience with Janine was as an undergraduate student and her ability to communicate complex ideas in an accessible and engaging manner made learning easy. After moving interstate, I was delighted to have Janine as a valued mentor during the transition from undergraduate to Honours. With Janine as my mentor, I had a knowledgeable and caring sounding-board that enabled me to question my thinking and future direction. With this support I felt much more confident in deciding where to do my fourth year of study. It is fantastic to know that when I need advice or feedback I can simply set-up a time with Janine. Having access to Janine as a mentor provides personal continuity across a lengthy training regime that can otherwise be quite disconnected. I have no doubt that Janine will be an important source of support and assistance as I apply for Masters on completion of my Honours year.”

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